Legislative State Bills and Drafts Across the Country

Budding entrepreneurs can start young!

Budding entrepreneurs can start young!


Let’s support kids and entrepreneurship!

We did it! This is a draft of the bill that was passed on April 1st , 2019 to legalize kids businesses across Colorado!

Here are some other related bills that have either passed or are under legislative consideration.

Wisconsin SB170 - Stands Operated by Minors - Approved November 2019. Effective now.

Utah SB81 - Legalize Kids Entrepreneurship - Signed by Governor 2017. Effective now

Colorado SB19-103 “Legalizing Minors Businesses” - Signed by Governor April 1, 2019. Effective Immediately and for all kids entrepreneurship, not just lemonade stands

Texas HB 234 - Legalize Lemonade, Signed by Governor, will take effect September 1, 2019

New York S762 - Legalize Lemonade. Under legislative consideration currently.

New Jersey A4462- Legalize Kids Entrepreneurship - Under legislative consideration currently.

Please reach out if you would like to support the cause in your state! I would love to help you!